latent need for a big ground and an exclusive cricket facility at Hyderabad culminated
into creation of the state-of-the-art cricket stadium Uppal. Thanks to the initiatives,
hard work of Mr. Vinod, the President of HCA, Hon. Secretary Mr. Shivlal Yadav
(Now retired to become the Vice President of BCCI) and support of all members
of managing body and staff, Rajiv Gandhi International
Cricket Stadium (RGICS) is a world
class cricket stadium where the people of Hyderabad can enjoy the game of cricket
in style either in day or at night under flood lights. Note:
Click on the thumb-nail pictures to view enlarged
Arial view of RGICS, Uppal Hyderabad, The lush green outfield
and obstruction free view of the play area in a feast for the eyes. |
Bird's eye view of RGICS, Uppal, Hyderabad. Stretched over
16 acres of land, the stadium has ample parking, exclusive practice area, reception
lounge, commentators room, corporate boxes, spacious press room with all communications
facility, exclusive room for umpires and state-of-the-art dressing rooms for teams. |
Flood lights mounted on Six towers, illuminate the stadium
during day-night matches, Flood lights were commissioned in April 2007. |
The Grand reception hall of the RGICS houses several Memorabilia
and picture galleries of crickets and cricket administrators whose significant
contribution to HCA and the game of cricket cannot be forgotten. |
The pitch and play area is manned by well experienced and
knowledgeable curators and support staff. RGICS pitch is a true and lively pitch
comparable to international standards. This is in sharp contrast to earlier piches
at Hyderabad which has a reputation of being batsman friendly and high scoring. |
Pitch inspection by an expert in presence of Mr. G Vinod,
Hon President HCA and Mr.Shivlal Yadav, former Indian Test Spinner, Vice president
BCCI and until recently Hon. Secretary of HCA |  |
The Stadium was packed to capacity during the two ODIs hosted
here against South Africa and Australia. |